The draught beer industry has been using steel kegs for 50 years, without any improvements or development to existing technology. Carlsberg spent years re-inventing a new way for draught beer to be delivered to customers.

To launch this groundbreaking innovation to the world, we developed a completely new brand system that commanded this position. One that looked and spoke like a brand that wasn’t just a new service product, but a technological step-change in the future of beer. Along with refreshed product photography, bespoke iconography and collateral, at the heart of the branding is our super simple mark, an abstraction of the new PET keg.

Since its launch in markets such as Italy, where 90% of Carlsberg products poured in the on-trade now use the technology, it continues to be rolled out globally.

As the lead designer, from its initial launch to the very latest innovations like its app and digital status hardware, I've worked on everything from the website design to technical documentation and the packaging for each product.
To visualise the technology within the Draughtmaster range – compressing their PET kegs inwards with each pour – we introduced a concentric line pattern originating from our Draughtmaster icon in the centre. In static form it shows the compressed state, but in motion, we can fluidly shift between both the before and after states.
A hit of vibrant orange punctuates the otherwise monotone colour palette, adding energy and freshness to each communication. Critically though, the remainder of the palette is kept intentionally restrained, enabling the plethora of brands within each market from the Carlsberg group to sit comfortably within the Draughtmaster ecosystem.
Each and every component making up the brand system has been crafted with our core icon in mind whenever possible, with both physical labels and digital UI elements drawing on the mark’s construct. The industrial design of Draughtmaster’s flagship product, the Extra10, even mimics our mark in its form.

Alongside an expressive kinetic motion system, we can shift into a 3D space enables us to dive through, rotate around and immerse ourselves within our concentric pattern itself, taking Draughtmaster into another dimension.
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